Help safeguard your assets and people on site wirelessly from fire

WES+ is the second-generation range of WES units that pair wirelessly together to form a reliable, market leading wireless fire safety solution. Developed in the UK by Ramtech, the WES+ solution has been designed and engineered to provide an instant way of alerting site management to potential fires across the site, either automatically, manually or both.

The entire system is quick to set up and is easily moved as your project changes. Your system can be up and running in just a few minutes. As with the third generation WES3 system, WES+ units come with a two-year warranty with a battery life of around 3 years under normal use.

WES+ has been used on all manner of construction, renovation and industrial projects across the world. The system has helped to safeguard skyscrapers, power stations, rail infrastructure, underground stations, historical renovations, shipyards, universities and many more, some of which you can see in our case studies section. For more details on the units with the WES+ range, see below.

Icon - High Performance

The WES+ system uses Category 1, Euro-harmonised radio in compliance with European standards covering the use of radio technology in emergency equipment (ETSI 300-220-1).

Icon - Cost Effective

The completely wireless WES system units connect on site to form a secure and stable radio mesh network with no need for specialist wiring, cabling or external power. 3 year battery life means low maintenance.

Icon - User Friendly


Your WES+ system can be set up in minutes and feature an unlimited number of units on one site, with additional units quickly added or removed as the build evolves. All WES+ units can be reused on future projects.

Icon - Internationally Recognised


WES+ has been developed to satisfy applicable Radio and Communications legislation internationally, including the relevant parts of ETSI, FCC and EMC test standards, plus full EN54-25 compliance.

WES+ Product Range

Base Station
Call Points
Smoke Detector
Heat Detector

WES Safety Accessories

In addition to the WES3 and WES+ temporary wireless fire and emergency alarm solutions, Ramtech also supply additional supporting equipment to enhance fire safety across your site. This includes fire extinguishers, Health and Safety emergency/warning signage and trolleys; the latter being ideal for mounting WES call points and locating across your site.

View Accessories

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UK: +44 (0)115 957 8282 | NA: +1 980 497-9299