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Safely Expanding a Major Airport

One of the world’s busiest and most significant airports is undergoing a massive expansion, and Ramtech’s WES3 and REACT systems have been chosen to ensure the project runs smoothly and safely. According to 2023 statistics, this prominent international airport ranks as one of the top three busiest in terms of international passenger transport, third in passenger volume, and the busiest in terms of aircraft movements.

Ambitious Expansion Plans

The goal is to expand the airport by 2026 to accommodate over 70 million passengers annually, an increase of 14 million from current levels. This massive expansion includes the construction of a new pier and terminal, operational and commercial spaces, aprons, and taxiways. To handle the increase in passengers, parking capacity will be expanded with landside access to the new terminal. Additionally, a baggage and distribution basement will be built to manage the high volume of baggage.

This major project demands strict adherence to safety regulations to prevent significant disruptions across the entire airport. To ensure comprehensive coverage, Ramtech has provided and installed the WES3 Water Leak Detection System, the WES3 Wireless Fire Alarm System, and the REACT Emergency Notification platform at the airport.

Regulatory Compliance

Integrating WES3 systems also guarantees regulatory compliance. Countries have stringent regulations regarding water management and construction site safety. Leaks can result in non-compliance with these regulations, leading to fines and legal issues for project managers. This comprehensive approach provides full coverage against both water and fire risks, ensuring the construction project proceeds safely and smoothly.

Understanding the Risks

Water leaks and fires are two of the highest risks for contractors on construction sites, as both can result in significant costs, delays, and safety issues. Research shows that a substantial number of construction sites experience water leaks due to various factors, including pipe corrosion, faulty installation, or construction errors. According to industry reports, approximately 30% of buildings experience a water leak during construction.

Water leaks can weaken structural components and create slippery surfaces, increasing the risk of slips and injuries. Prolonged moisture can also lead to mold, posing dangerous health risks and requiring costly remediation. Frequent water damage claims can increase insurance premiums by an estimated 10-20%, resulting in higher operational costs for construction companies. The average cost of repairing water damage on a construction site can range from thousands to tens of thousands of euros, depending on the extent of the damage. In some cases, major leaks can cause costs to exceed €100,000.

Fires pose even greater threats to workers and construction sites, causing catastrophic damage and posing serious safety risks to on-site workers and nearby residents. These two major risk factors must be considered before beginning work on any project. The WES3 water detection system and the WES3 wireless fire alarm system are crucial tools in identifying and alerting people of an incident before it escalates.

Paired with the REACT emergency notification system, these systems swiftly notify relevant personnel by sending real-time alerts via the app. With proper measures in place, this major airport expansion is poised for a smooth and efficient construction process that aims to be completed by 2026, accommodating millions more international passengers.